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How to remove rust and maintain shelves produced by supermarket shelf manufacturers?

Sendtime:2022-09-30 Cotentsource:http://www.szdeles.com/

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How to remove rust and maintain shelves produced by supermarket shelf manufacturers?

Supermarket shelves in the use of a few years, there will inevitably be some rust attack, at this time in order to the beauty of the shelf, we need to remove rust on the shelf.

supermarket shelf manufacturers remind you to be careful not to soak the rusty shelves in dilute hydrochloric acid for too long, otherwise after removing the shelf surface rust will be the substance inside the reaction. For example, after the removal of rust will also react with iron.


supermarket shelf manufacturers think they can remove rust from shelves by using small pneumatic or electric drives.

This method is mainly powered by electricity or compressed air, equipped with appropriate derusting shelf equipment, and reciprocating movement or rotation. Movement to accommodate shelf desrusting entreats.

 The surface roughness is small, the surface treatment quality cannot be reached, and the working efficiency is lower than that of spray treatment. Can be used in the shelf parts, in large warehouse shelf logistics base application.


High pressure water abrasive rust removal. The impact of high pressure water jet (plus abrasive grinding) and water skid damage the adhesion of rust and coating to the shelf steel plate. It is characterized by no dust pollution, no damage to the shelf steel plate, rust removal power, up to 15m2/h above, good rust removal. However, supermarket shelf manufacturers point out that the shelf steel plate is easy to rust after rust removal, and special wet rust removal coating should be applied, which has a great impact on the coating of general functional coatings.


Relatetags: Shopping Trolley manufacturer Supermarket Shelf manufacturer Airport Trolley manufacturer

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